Saturday, July 30, 2016

ORNAP Iloilo Joins ORNAP’s 42nd Annual Regional Convention and Scientific Meeting

For the first time, ORNAP Annual Regional Convention and Scientific Meeting went out of the historic Manila Hotel and into the new and modern Marriott Hotel in Pasay City. The Grand Ballrooms as is, is already a bit overwhelming to look at, but to have the four grand ballroom opened to accommodate nearly 3,000 perioperative nurses all over the country was completely astounding.

On July 1, 2016, about 70 operating room nurses coming from Iloilo, 14 of which are members of the current board of directors arrived in Manila to represent the province in the Annual Regional Convention and Scientific Meeting. After the registration, some of the officers were invited to join the National Chapter Officers including J&J representatives for the preconvention held at the Manila Ballroom Marriott Hotel.

The OR Nurse Support Program to Advance & Reinforce Knowledge & Skills (S.P.A.R.K.S.), a partnership program of both ORNAP and J&J was discussed briefly. It aims to enhance and integrate the knowledge and skills of nurses on areas of technology & procedure in the operating room through effective transfer of evidence‐based best practices latest technology. Further, they have already begun the activities starting with the Baguio-Benguet Chapter and were ready to share it with the rest of the country in partnership with both the national and local chapters. But what really moved the attendees were the powerful, and inspirational talk that came from their speaker, Mr. Raymund Eugene A. Sanchez. Who shared about passion, faith and his experience that have changed his life in ways he couldn’t even imagine. It was a moving talk that brought tears to some of the people who attended.

On July 2, 2016, the Grand Ballroom was filled earlier with OR nurses coming from different cities and provinces around the country. It started with the processionals by the chapter officers, Iloilo Chapter Officers were donned in our bright yellow hablon and was complete including our three past presidents: Mr. Alex Gatmaitan, Mr. Miguel Angelo Labayen, and Ms. Demelen Gancero, the ORNAP National Presidents, current board of directors and distinguished guests. The entrance of colors by the PUP Cadet Corps followed by the solemn invocation by Evelyn P. Gaffud, RN, the national anthem and then the ORNAP Hymn. The convention was formally opened by Ms. Aurora Aralar, RN, ORNAP National President, and Ms. Lydia B. De Castro, RN, Vice-President and Over-all Chairman of this year’s convention gave her opening remarks. Ms. Aurora Aralar introduced the Keynote Speaker, Federico M. Macaranas, PhD who gave an inspiring and educational Keynote Address.

Attendees were encouraged to put pictures on social media to share their experiences during the seminar. Social media was also used as a venue to ask questions to the speakers of the seminar. This was another first in the convention.

There was a short break to formally open the massive exhibit the National Chapter prepared for everyone, after which, Hon. Marian Grace A. Gascon, Ph.D., RN, Chairman of the Board of Nursing gave her message from the PRC-Board of Nursing. The Plenary Session was filled with so many interesting topics, including a breakaway simultaneous session with another first in this convention. It divided the Grand Ballroom into two, one has a Nurse Administrator Track and the other has a Perioperative Clinician Track – both were interesting and it was quite a dilemma which one should you sit in.

For the third year in the row, Iloilo Chapter once again coveted one of the most prestigious awards given annually – the BEST LOCAL CHAPTER AWARD. The award was proudly accepted by the chapter officers, led by the current president Ms. Charlene Mae Delfin, past presidents, chapter adviser, Mr. Gabriel Naig, and chapter founding adviser, Sr. Marvelyn S. Aquino.

The convention saved the best for last, because July 3, 2016 still has interesting topics that kept the hall filled with nurses. Another first was the Business Meeting being held during the second day, the revisions of the by-laws were accepted along with the PON standards. There was a Brownbag Session in which three Chapters shared the Best Perioperative Practices in their regions. Iloilo Chapter was represented by past president Mr. Miguel Angelo Labayen, one of the proponents of the evidence-based research by St. Paul’s Hospital Iloilo that was presented.

The Closing Ceremonies was filled with excitement as the last batch of raffles were drawn, including the Grand Prize which was a Flat-Screen television. New Set of Officers led by the new president, Ms. Mayo G. Santiago, RN, MAN of East Avenue Medical Center, were inducted by past president, Ms. Redenta C. Mamaclay. It was followed by her inaugural address and the closing remarks filled with gratitude by the ORNAP National Secretary, Mr. Gabriel F. Naig, RN, MAN.

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