Sunday, July 31, 2016

ORNAP Iloilo Chapter Joins Bombo Medico

We are the last men/women standing. ORNAP Iloilo Chapter Officers with the surgical residents from WVMC and Bombo-Iloilo Staff

For the first time in Bombo Medico, they have included the Surgical Mission as part of their services in their annual medical mission for the service of the Filipinos, most especially to the Ilonggos.

Bombo Radyo-Iloilo is not only known for its brave commentary on air, but to the several public services it offers such as the free medical services and blood-drive that is done yearly to give back to their audience.

From Dental Services, to Medical, Pediatric, OB-Gyne, ENT to Opthalmic Consult – they have it here. Doctors from different institution gathered together in support to station’s goal and serve their fellow Ilonggos. Bombo Radyo had an overwhelming response, when more than came than expected. The University of the Philippines Visayas – Iloilo City Campus was filled with hopeful ilonggos who came to seek for free medical, surgical and dental consult last July 10, 2016.

This year, through the Philippine College of Surgeons, surgical residents and consultants from different hospitals in Iloilo, and ORNAP-Iloilo Chapter joined the momentous event for the first time.  39 young and not-so-young boys underwent circumcisions, and 38 underwent minor surgeries which include excision/incision of cysts, mole and wart removal, and a whole lot more. 

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