About Us

To promote the highest professional standard of Perioperative Nursing.

We envision ourselves as an organization of competent and dynamic perioperative nurses committed to innovation and provision of optimum perioperative services locally and internationally.

We commit to:

  • Develop/cultivate the highest professional standard in perioperative nursing through education and research activities.
  • Collaborate with health care partners and other associations for development and training.
  • Sustain a harmonic professional relationship among members.
  • Enhance value centered decision making strategies.


            ORNAP-Iloilo traces its roots in 1979. All of the nurses who rolled up their sleeves to organize the OR nurses of the hospitals in Iloilo City then have now retired from their posts. 
Ms. Meylita Bermejo, RN, MAN of the Iloilo Mission Hospital was one of those who answered the call to gather and to be together as one united group of operating room nurses. She remembered that it was also in 1979 when ORNAP-Iloilo was recognized as  a local chapter by the ORNAP national.
ORNAP-Iloilo’s main concern then was to form the group and count in as many members as possible. As the core group worked hard for its growth in  number, more OR nurses in Iloilo City decided to migrate in other countries and create a new path in their careers.
It was in 1985 when the J & J Company with Robert Oreta and Mr. Dairo who encouraged the revival for the first time of ORNAP-Iloilo Chapter. Mr. Wilfredo Cerbas was elected president.
 In 1986, a year after its reactivation, ORNAP Iloilo hosted the update in Hotel del Rio with the ORNAP National President as one of the guests. It was there when the plan to open chapters in Capiz, Antique, Aklan, Guimaras and Bacolod was proposed with the leadership of ORNAP-Iloilo. On the other hand, ORNAP-Iloilo was aiming to include in its membership the OR nurses in the district hospitals outside of Iloilo City.
In 1988, the group worked on to realize the proposal of chapters creation, however, with the leaving of some officers to other countries,  the leadership of ORNAP-Iloilo was turned over to Mr. Noel Cadete as president.
In 1989, ORNAP-Iloilo had an election of officers. Sister Nenita of St. Paul’s Hospital Iloilo was elected as president and Mr. Wilfredo Cerbas as vice-president.
            For almost seven years, ORNAP-Iloilo hibernated again.
            In 1996, a conference was hosted by ORNAP-Iloilo core group at the Residence Hotel. There was  the initial plan to meet again and re-build ORNAP-Iloilo. The plan finally took off in 1999 when ORNAP-Iloilo was recognized by ORNAP national as one of the 10 active ORNAP chapters nation-wide.
            The next decade was a test of time for ORNAP-Iloilo. The ORNAP members had become losely organized because of the quick changes in leadership due to the pull of more opportunities in health service delivery profession in other countries.
            In 2011, when Sr. Marvelyn Aquino of SPC of St. Paul’s Hospital Iloilo led the recreation of ORNAP-Iloilo with Mr. Alex Gatmaitan as president. The new sets of officers inspired by the new hope for ORNAP-Iloilo was inducted to office by ORNAP national president Romeo Santarina, AB, RN, MAN. The affair was graced by forty-four nurses including chief and head nurses and OR staff nurses from the Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital, Iloilo Mission Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, St. Therese-MTC Hospital, Western Visayas Medical Center, West Visayas State University Medical Center and the district hospitals in Region VI.
            During the administration of Mr. Gatmaitan, ORNAP-Iloilo’s priority was to re-awaken the commitment of more OR nurses to the organization, thus, the organization planned to host for a regional convention to gather the OR nurses in the provinces of Antique, Capiz, Aklan, Negros Occidental, Iloilo and Guimaras.  The members were also gathered thru update conferences, sports fest and recollection.
In 2012, ORNAP-Iloilo requested from ORNAP national to allow its set of officers to serve another year to give way for the full implementation of its plans made in 2011. The request was approved, and this led to the 1st Regional Convention of OR nurses hosted by ORNAP-Iloilo on february 12, 2012 at Iloilo Grand Hotel. The members’ participation was sustained with the sports fest joined by the OR nurses from almost all hospitals in Iloilo City including the district hospitals.
In 2013, the leadership of ORNAP-Iloilo was turned over to Mr. Miguel Labayen. ORNAP-Iloilo was able to gather 167 ORNAP members in Western Visayas for the 2nd Regional Convention held at Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center on January 26, 2013. It was during this time when membership in numbers and involvement in activities improved. In fact, during the ORNAP national convention in July 2013, ORNAP-Iloilo was given the award for having the most number of membership.
Further, the 3rd Regional ORNAP Convention was held at Hotel del Rio on January 18, 2014. The affair was a powerhouse of 157 active ORNAP members in the region.
In 2014, Ms. Demelen Gancero, a life-time member of ORNAP,  of the Western Visayas Medical Center was elected to lead ORNAP-Iloilo. ORNAP-Iloilo is committed to sustain the participation of its members in support of the ORNAP national through its advocacy on total wellness.
ORNAP-Iloilo envisions the pro-active membership of OR nurses in transforming local communities it serves to be pro-active in wellness as well.
*This is an attempt to write the history of ORNAP-Iloilo. The sources of information in this document were based on the stories shared by the senior members of ORNAP-Iloilo. Any additional data to enrich this document is very much welcome by the organization. Please feel free to keep intouch with the ORNAP-Iloilo President for 2014 Ms. Demelen Gancero – demelengancero@yahoo.com or 0917-303-3211

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