Sunday, February 15, 2015


The Operating Room Nurses’ Association of the Philippines, Inc.- Iloilo Chapter held its 4th Annual Regional Convention and Scientific Meeting last January 31, 2015 at the Sunset Terrace of  Hotel Del Rio, Molo, Iloilo City. The theme of the said event was “Multidisciplinary Collaboration towards Quality Perioperative Nursing Care “.

                Registration started at around 7 am in the morning. Delegates from various institutions both from the city and province all over Panay came in eagerly. We were happy to be attended by  the Presidents as well as some of the Board of Directors of several ORNAP chapters such as Roxas,  Cagayan de Oro, and Cavite Chapters. Nurses from Guimaras, Antique and the Army Station Hospital based in Camp Peralta Jamindan, Capiz graced us with their presence as well. All were very interested to partake in the activities prepared for the said event which was started with Eucharistic celebration by Rev. Fr. Jose Alex G. Serania at around 8 o’clock in the morning.

                 At around 9 am, the opening ceremonies started with the entrance of colors lead by the John B Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Molo Cadet Corps. Then, it was followed by the processional of the conventions guest, past presidents and Board of Directors for 2014. We were grateful to be graced by Ms.Redenta C. Mamaclay RN, President of ORNAP National together with Ms. Aurora C. Aralar RN, Vice President of ORNAP National and Mr.Gabriel F. Naig RN MAN, Asst. Secretary of ORNAP National and the Iloilo Chapter Coordinator. In addition, Ms. Norma L. Losanes RN MN, the President of Philippine Nurses Association- Iloilo Chapter gave support to the convention with her presence.

                After the opening prayer and singing of the national anthem and ORNAP Hymn, the Sol Fernandez School of Dance gave the participants a glimpse of the newly finished Dinagyang celebration with their excellent and very entertaining dance performance. After which,  Ms. Demelen B. Gancero RN, the Chapter President officially opened the convention and Mr. Franky F. Muzones RN, the Over All Chairman of the event, gave his welcome remarks. It was followed by the recognition of delegates by Ms. Jevy H. Celera RN, the Chapter Secretary. Then, we listened to the inspirational message of Ma’am Mamaclay, our National President.

                The Opening of the Exhibits and Cutting of the Ceremonial Ribbon came next. It was attended by Ms. Gancero, Ms. Mamaclay, Ms. Aralar, Ms. LosaƱes and other guests, officers and representatives of medical companies and suppliers. The exhibit was composed of very generous and supportive partners that have supported the chapter all throughout its existence.  Next, Ms. Gancero did the honour of introducing the keynote speaker of the convention. She was no other than the very well known and beautiful Hon. Lily Ann Rico-Baldago, the Regional Director of the Professional Regulation Commission. She talked about the future ASEAN Integration which will most likely bring changes and challenges to the nursing practice and profession. It is the fervent hope of everybody that it will have a positive impact to Filipino nurses in the future.

                At around 10:30 am, the scientific sessions begun with the first topic of Working Together towards Efficient OR Team with speakers from the anaesthesiologist perspective in the person of the very optimistic Dr. Meda Rose J. Luhan. For the surgeon’s side, we had the equally smart and charming Dr. Guadalupe Villaret-Matejka. To complete the team, we invited Mr. Gabriel F. Naig RN MAN to represent the nurses’ perspective. The collaboration of the three was indeed very informative for they shed light to what are the expected roles and functions of each member so that an efficient and competent OR team will be achieved.

                Before lunch, Ms. Rhoda C. Gemarino RN, the Chapters’ NOMELEC Chairman, introduced the 8 aspiring nominees from different hospital that will fill in the position of the four outgoing officers for this year 2015. They were the following: Ms. Katrina Faye Ahumada RN and Ms. Sharee Anne Patricia Facultad RN from St. Pauls Hospital-Iloilo, Ms. Karen Joy C. Margallo RN and Ms. Alice D. Blancaver RN from Western Visayas Medical Center, Ms. Shyne Salcedo  from St. Therese MTC Hospital, Mr. Reno Bagaforo RN from West Visayas State University Medical Center and Mr. Franky Muzones RN and Mr. Carlos Adriane Ciacico RN from the Iloilo Mission Hospital. The casting of ballots for these nominees was officially opened by Ms. Gemarino to all ORNAP Members who attended the convention
                During lunch, the business meeting was held which begun with the presentation of the Presidents’ Report by Ms. Demelen Gancero RN, the Chapter President as well as the Treasurers’ Report by the energetic Chapter Treasurer, Ms. Maria  Jessly D.  Rios RN. After that, we listened to an international inspirational and motivational speaker, Carlos “Pido” K. Aguilar Jr. He talked about “Spirituality and Stress Management of Nurses in the Workplace” with mastery and humour that truly captured the interest of the delegates. Indeed, laughters can be heard from the hall and if you take a peek inside, many happy and smiling faces can be seen.

                From that refreshing lecture, the program moved on to another important topic of Understanding Professional Ethics: A Key to a Great Team by Atty. Salex E. Alibogha MAN, RN. He stressed that professional ethics act as guide to nurses to become effective, reliable and competent members of the healthcare team. Next, a modern ballet dance number from Ms. Angelique C. Jamerlan RN (WVMC) fill in the need for entertainment of delegates.

                “Radiology in Orthopaedics: Will the Benefits Outweigh the Harm?” was the last topic of the event delivered by Dr. Jerome Anthony S. Asuncion, the handsome Director of Butuan Orthopedic Institute, Butuan Doctors’ Hospital. From his lecture, the delegates gained an insight on both the safe levels of radiation in OR and the dangerous level of exposure that might cause cancer like thyroid cancer. He also presented some of the latest trends in the surgical management of orthopaedics cases.

                Finally, one of the most anticipated moments came – the presentation of the new set of ORNAP Iloilo Chapter Board of Directors for 2015-2016 by Ms. Gemarino, the Nomelec Chairman. The following were elected; President- Franky F. Muzones RN (IMH), Vice President – Maria Amy Glyza M. Manzano RN (SPH), Secretary – Charlene Mae S. Delfin RN, MAN (WVSUMC), Asst. Secretary – Karen Joy C. Margallo RN (WVMC), Treasurer – Maria Jessly D. Rios RN (IMH), Asst. Treasures – Rodel G. Pastrana RN (IDH), Auditor – Reno Bagaforo RN (WVSUMC), PRO – Carlos Adriane Ciacico RN (IMH), Board Members: Demelen B. Gancero RN (WVMC), Charlotte Marisse G. Rubrico RN (IDH) and Mikel Marvin Y. Tsai RN (IDH), Nomelec Chairman – Katherine Rose M. Monroy RN (WVSUMC),and  Nomelec Members: Ma. Christine T. Barbosa RN (WVMC) and Alice D. Blancaver RN (WVMC). It was immediately followed by the induction officiated by Ms. Redenta C. Mamaclay RN, the President of ORNAP National.

                Next, delegates listened to the joyously emotional inaugural address of Mr. Franky M. Muzones RN, the new ORNAP Iloilo President. He expressed his gratitude for the trust and confidence that all officers and chapter members gave to him. Also, he humbly and sincerely asked for their continued support and cooperation to the future projects and endeavours of the association. After that touching moment,  Sr. Marvelyn S. Aquino, SPC, our dynamic Founding Adviser gave her speech for the closing remarks of the convention. In recognition and thanksgiving  of her invaluable guidance and untiring support, the chapter officers led by Ms. Demelen Gancero gave her a Certificate of Recognition for without her the Chapter would not have been activated and very alive in Iloilo again.

                Finally, the Chapter gave out many door prizes to raffle winners in the form of watches, pillows, mugs, towels, electric heaters, USBs, powerbanks and cellphones. We don’t want our delegates to go home without something to cherish from the convention. Hopefully, they will come and honor us again with their presence to every seminar updates, projects and activities this year for in unity nothing is impossible to achieve!

                Again, thank you very much to all ORNAP Members, guests, sponsors and to other people who made this years’ convention possible and a success. To the new Board of Directors, congratulations! May God guide us always so that we may be a “blessing” to each other and bless all our plans and goals this year. Mabuhay ang Ilonggo OR Nurses!!  

(Article by Ma. Christine T. Barbosa RN - WVMC)

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