Sunday, October 12, 2014


The Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc. (ORNAP) recently conducted its 40th annual convention and every member of the organization were once again enriched and fulfilled with vast knowledge and the spirit of camaraderie. However, the members from the Iloilo Chapter brought home something more than just the distinct benefits brought home by the other participants.

The aformentioned gathering of operating room nurses from all over the country celebrated the event with the theme: Teamwork and Transparency in Perioperative Nursing. It was held in The Tent, Manila Hotel, Manila last July 6, 2014 and it was evident from start to finish that everyone was excited to be part of something this big.

Moreover and just like icing on the cake, the ORNAP Iloilo Chapter took home the 'Best Local Chapter' award and definitely the celebration wasn't going to stop there. Plans were already at hand for an upcoming victory party back home.

As soon as the word was out that there was going to be a celebration, everyone was enlivened, not simply because of the prize in possession but because the event, as well, was another chance to relive the bond that was once forged between members from various hospitals of Iloilo. Apparently, preparations were made which was spearheaded by the officers of the chapter.

ORNAP Iloilo Chapter Officers

The party took place in Soriano Beach Resort, Oton, Iloilo on August 3, 2014. The vibrant and charming pair of Ms. Jevy Celera and Mr. Ryan Suyo paved the way as the emcees. It was very well organized as there was a prompt registration manned by Ms. Maria Amy Glyza Manzano. Of course, nothing could have been achieved without God's grace so, the activity was commenced with a prayer led by Ms. Maria Christine Barbosa. Opening remarks were given by the incumbent president, Ms. Demelen Gancero, as she was acknowledged and congratulated for doing a most wonderful job.

The party wouldn't be complete without games so everyone participated in the peanut shoot-out, the scrub relay and 'chase the tail' games organized by the officers. The WVMC Boys took home the awards for the first two games while the IDH team snatched a possible three-peat from them by winning the last event.

Then came the seemingly most-awaited part, lunch time. The food was great as almost everyone had seconds. After a while, everyone relaxed and took turns singing on the videoke machine rented out by the officers.

The whole event was so much fun and everyone was delighted. Surely enough, the award signified not only a mere celebration of winning but that everyone within the chapter was honored to have their group recognized nationwide.

Article by: Mr. Rodel Pastrana, RN (IDH)

Monday, August 11, 2014


On its Ruby Jubilee Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting of the Operating Room Nurse’s Association of the Philippines, Inc (ORNAP) held last January 4-6,2014 at The Tent, Manila Hotel, the ORNAP-Iloilo Chapter was awarded as The Best Performing Local Chapter for the fiscal year 2013-2014

After careful deliberation of the sixteen existing ORNAP local chapter by the Committee on Awards of the ORNAP National Officers, the Iloilo Chapter had finally bagged ORNAP’s most sought after recognition second to the Consuelo Gomez Arabit Award.

The local chapter had not only maintained its steady increase in the number of members for the year, but the regular monthly activities, collaboration with other organizations and local government units, including winning the first place in the Research Congress held in the Philippine Heart Center last May of 2014 with the paper entitled, Compliance to Preoperative Visit of Operating Room Nurses of St. Paul’s Hospital Iloilo which had said to change the dynamics of preoperative nursing. Not to mention, the Iloilo Chapter was the only local chapter that has managed to be awarded by the Professional Regulation Commission with Seven (7) Continuing Education Units on its Annual Regional Convention held last January of 2014. All these were made possible under the leadership of former President, Miguel Angelo Labayan (SPH) and current President, Demelen Gancero (WVMC).

Indeed, it’s a victory not only for the dedicated officers of the ORNAP Iloilo Chapter but for all the Ilonggo nurses who have supported and contributed in their own way in making this achievement possible. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


ORNAP Officers with Fr. Joel Eslabra at WVSUMC Chapel

Last March 18, 2013, the Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines (ORNAP) Iloilo Chapter held their annual recollection at West Visayas State University Medical Center Chapel. The speaker was the chaplain of the institution, Father Joel Eslabra. The theme of the event was power. This was in relation to the responsibilities as an ORNAP officer.

            The concept of power revolves around three main faces, the powerful, the powerless and the empowered as Father Eslabra discussed. He quoted that, “power changes people,”, and “the sole advantage of power is that you can do more good.” He described how power can be addictive and more precious than anything else in the world and how it can negatively affect a person’s attitude. He also emphasized that someone who holds great power should have the authority, strength, influence and courage to do good to those who are under their control.

            With regards to being powerful, it is vital that one holds true to his moral principles, character and responsibility. He stated that the rank we hold in society does not give us the privilege but instead the responsibility to do good to others.

            On the concept of the powerless, he related this to human failure and the experiences in life of the famous Harry Potter book series author, J.K. Rowling- that one must go through failure in order to discover what his or her capabilities are. Failure was sort of a reflection of one’s self in order to get rid of what was inessential and focus on things that really mattered.

            Lastly, Father Eslabra discussed about empowerment. Being empowered meant that despite your struggles in life, you have the choice to do whatever you want with your situation-whether it is for better or worse. Whatever one goes through at the present does not shape who he is. Everybody has the capacity to be empowered. It is just a choice we have to make.

            After almost two hours of discussion, the recollection ended with the story of, “Life is like a Cup of Coffee.” He compared the coffee to life, and the cups to the jobs, money and position in society. He stressed that the type of job, money and position in society that we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. He laid emphasis on savoring life and not the labels that society gives us. The story and the discussions during the recollection left the attendees contemplating on their responsibilities as ORNAP officers and have truly empowered them to do their best in the ORNAP Iloilo Chapter’s future undertakings.

Article by: Katherine Rose Monroy, RN (WVSUMC)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Integration of Ideas into One: ORNAP ILOILO 3RD Annual Regional Convention

The Operating Room Nurses’ Association of the Philippines Inc. – Iloilo Chapter 3rd Annual Regional Convention with the theme: “The Power of Convergence in the Perioperative Nursing” was held in Sarabia Manor Hotel and Convention Center last January 18, 2014.

                The assembly was set to begin early with the registration at 7:00 am. In just a while, the attendance was already coming to completion and there was an upsurge of exuberance in the air. The participants were more ready to gain new knowledge and everyone was very eager to rekindle the camaraderie they once started with their friends from different hospital.

The scientific meeting was initiated by a Eucharistic celebration by Fr. Joel Eslabra and was followed by the processional of ORNAP Officers and guests. Mr. Miguel Angelo Labayen, Chapter President, formally opened the ceremony and Ms. Chardene Desalit, Vice President and the Over-all Chairman of the Convention delivered the opening remarks. Dr. Flor Burgos, ORNAP National President also conveyed her inspirational message.

Halfway through the morning activities, our very own Mayor, Hon. Jed Patrick Mabilog made his keynote address. It was followed by two lectures discussions about Pediatric Cardiology and Gynecologic Oncology Surgery spearheaded by Dr. Rea Franco and Dr. Maria Lora Tupas, respectively. Then came everyone’s favorite part of the gathering; lunch which was coupled with the presentation of qualified candidates for Board of Directors.

 Further topics on Orthopedic Surgery were discussed by Dr. Raoul Caῆonero. Significance of Quality Nursing Care by the ORNAP National Auditor, Mr. Gabriel Naig and Operating Room Guidelines on International Patient Safety Goals by the ORNAP National Vice President, Ms. Elesea Manahan.

Nearing the end, the ORNAP- Iloilo Chapter newly elected officers for 2014-2015 were presented and took their oath namely; Demelen Gancero (President-WVMC), Franky Muzones (Vice-President- IMH), Jevy Celera (Secretary-SPHI), Terence John Jalandoni (Asst. Secretary-IMH), Maria Jessly Rios (Treasurer-IMH), Charlotte Marisse Rubrico (Asst. Treasurer-IDH), Maria Amy Glyza Manzano (Auditor-SPHI), Mikel Marvin Tsai (PRO-IDH), BOARD MEMBERS: Rodel Pastrana (IDH), Charlene Mae Delfin (WVSUMC), Ryan Suyo (IDH), NOMELEC: Rhoda Gemarino (Chairman-IMH), Ma. Christine Barbosa (Member-WVMC), Katherine Rose Monroy (Member-WVSUMC). Raffle promos in between updates served as icebreakers and piqued the interest of most of the participants as they awaited their names to be called to receive random prizes from the association.

Lastly, the closing remarks were given by Sr. Marvelyn Aquino. All in all, the entire event was equally informative, as well as, an enjoyable experience for all attendees. It is definitely something that everyone can look forward to in the coming years.

Article Written by: Charlotte Marisse G. Rubrico, R.N. (IDH)
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